We specialize in connection, not perfection. Here you'll find products, services and classes to help you connect and heal in your family from the comfort of home.
Healing Stories is a healing modality developed by Rebecca Thompson Hitt, based on the work of Ray Castellino and BEBA (Building and Enhancing Bonding and Attachment) out of Santa Barbara, CA, and Hedy Schleifer, a couples therapist who pioneered a process called Crossing the Bridge. The process combines current brain science, polyvagal theory, attachment research, trauma integration research and more to create a safe space to process difficult experiences and do some deep healing along the way.
There are Healing Stories processes for individuals, couples and families to process difficult experiences during pregnancy and birth, or other difficult or overwhelming life experiences. There are also Healing Stories for whole families, including babies, to create a space to heal difficult early experiences or trauma and attachment wounds in connection with one another. We heal in connection and we just need a space that's safe enough to allow the healing that is trying to happen. All Healing Story experiences can be done virtually from anywhere in the world with good internet.
We also offer Healing Story Circles, which provides an opportunity for you to connect with others from around the world to co-create a safe space together. Rather than advice, we practice listening deeply to one another and reflecting back what we hear and see, including the strengths and resilience we can see. Accurate reflection is an essential part of connecting and healing. Healing Story Circles are 90 minutes and are scheduled frequently throughout the month with different times available to work for families around the world.
See individual products for more information.
Our products and services all focus on supporting you to create, nurture and heal connection in your family from the comfort of home. Why? Because we're parents, too, and we know you want your home life to feel good. (And we know what it feels like when it doesn't feel good!) We also get that your time is limited, so we've made our resources accessible (many are downloadable) and affordable. All our information is based on the latest research in attachment, epigenetics, brain science, sociology, trauma, pre and perinatal psychology. We've read the research so you don't have to. We provide the tools, support, and inspiration to help you find your own way.
Now in our 15th year of supporting families around the globe, we've become a name you can trust to help you find your way to stay connected in your family and heal. No one-size-fits-all approaches here. Each family is unique. Each person's story is unique. When you buy from us, you're supporting families, not a large corporation, and you're helping to change the world one family at a time. Many of our services are discounted and many of our resources are available for free so that everyone has access regardless of ability to pay. Because everyone needs support. Purchasing resources here helps us continue our work creating rich content and inspiring connection and peace in homes around the world.
Rebecca affirms that she truly understands where we are, and that makes it seem more attainable when we talk about where we want to be, or what we can accomplish. Also, having conversations about what works for OUR family, not an abstract idea of the perfect family, gets me to listen.”
Rebecca Thompson Hitt, MS, MFT
Holistic Marriage and Family Therapist
The Consciously Parenting Project, LLC., was born when Rebecca found herself really struggling to be the parent she wanted to be with her first born. Despite her masters in marriage and family therapy and degree in education, she wasn't sure how to create the family she wanted and heal those things she didn't do the way she wanted. As she found her own way through a series of people who pointed the way back to connection, she was inspired to create resources and offer support for others who would find themselves in similar places. We all want our families to feel good and we need to know how to create healing spaces when they're needed.
Consciously Parenting also has expanded to include passionate parents and professionals from around the globe who share the vision of support for families. Through the Consciously Parenting training program, we are working to expand our capacity to offer more qualified support for individuals and families around the world.
Rebecca is the mom of 2 boys, ages 18 and 23 and bonus mom to two grown young adults. She's messed up plenty of things in parenting, but is here to walk beside you as you find your own way. All our resources are created with this in mind. When Rebecca isn't supporting parents or creating parenting resources, you'll find her wandering through the mountains outside of Oaxaca, Mexico, eating amazing food, and planning adventures to visit the ocean with her family.